Sharing your story though your brand: Creating a community centred business
Regular price $0.00Waitlist opening December
Sharing your story through your brandIs something that I've been doing since2017.I knew I wanted to have others Seether story and and mine, and in order to do thisI needed to get very clear onHow to share my storyWhat visuals and graphics areMost appealing to my target audienceHow to package it all-in-one place.
I bet people have told you that your story is amazing or maybe they said you should really sure that that would help a lot of people and resonate with a lot of folks, But I also buy that you feel that you don't have enough experience in order to share teach or chargeMoneyFor your expertise knowledge or services.
Do You haveDrops of ideas scribbled out in notebooks or on open Word doc pages were the notesShare your knowledge and experience.
Sure your story through your brandIs all about getting started with taking your life experiences your try and I'm sure resiliency andBeing able to share and showcase itWith your ideal customers.
This group coaching are for community minded folks, Who believe the power of connection love and humorIn order toAchieve their goals.
You have everything you need inside of youTo startAnd I'm here to show you how.
How to get started, How to use your story as a source of expertise,How do you package your ideas into events or productsAnd how to believe yourself even oneSelf-doubt comes knocking.
If this sounds like you I invited you to join the waitlist, We will start accepting applications in December.
Group coaching will kick off in JanuaryAllowing you to start 2021 I knew foot of hopeJoyConnection and of course community.